Jun 13, 2007

The official "let's get baby out" Day...

We have been working feverishly to try to get Boo to go into labor all day. If all our attempt don't work the amount of laughter has to be helping. We have tried everything. She was running laps in my living room, I was rubbing her ankles and she ate the famous " labor " salad for lunch! She jumped roped and is getting adjusted tonight by a chiropractor!! We'll see if all our hard work pays off soon enough I hope! She is considering the castor oil thing tomorrow. YUCK!!! Any tips girls? Honestly we were all dying watching her do all this!

Last Night we went to the in lawsa nd hung out with Mikes cousin from ID. We adore Alexa!!!She is so stinkin adorable! She has been living in Boston and was "on her way home to ID and stopped by! I know... quite the detour but heck , we're worth it right!!!


carey said...

Good luck, Boo!!! Go eat some spicy Mexican food!!! :)

michelle said...

What a day full of "getting baby HERE activities!" I hope all of the hard work, will put Boo into labor! Keep us posted!

sarah ann said...

Okay, You are cracking me up! You and Boo and hiliraious! Haha.. GOOD LUCK BOO! Rebecca! Your hair is sooo cute!

Amy said...

All I can say for Boo is sex sex & sex. That's what put me in labor the first time. ;D Cute pics! BTW ... Macey (is that your oldest?) looks EXACTLY like your DH. And the cousin looks like someone famous.. HMM?! GREAT pics!

Sarah said...

ok first of all it is NOT CASTROL oil LOL it is CASTOR oil. and I've done it. twice actually and it's not bad and it WILL work!!!!! let me know if you want to do it. I'll tell you the tricks.

Becca said...

hehe!!! CASTROL oil... I knew that was wrong! For sure drinking motor oil woild do something!!! THANKS Sarah!!! Leave it to me to mispell!

donna said...

Come on boo, get that baby out!!!!! Keep us updated :)!!!!!!!

Two said...

I was waiting for an update! Too bad her dr "moving things areound" didnt help! Keep us posted!

Jamie C. said...

How does Jenny looks so fab running around days from having a baby? You two are so lucky to be close to one another, I hope the babe arrives soon and safely!

Anonymous said...

You guys look like you're having way to much fun! Good luck, Boo!

Julie said...

Castor oil is disgusting and it DIDN'T work for me. I just got bad cramps and horrendous diarrhea. I've heard of some people putting it in milkshakes so that might not be as bad as in OJ which is what I did. I also found out after I used it that castor oil can cross placenta and cause the baby to have a bowel movement in-utero. It's the diarrhea that possibley causes contractions so without having to drink a nasty concoction or bad side effects for baby you could try and enema. What did work for me was nipple stimulation and black cohosh and blue cohosh tinctures, you can get them at Whole Foods or other health food stores. Hey, you wanted suggestions right?

Julie said...


I did the evening primrose oil thing too ;)

Andrea said...

Seriously, she's probably the cutest pregnant person ever...I hope something worked and she can have that cute little baby soon!

Morph This said...

Two days later, still pregnant. Ahhhhhh!

AnieCooper said...

Ok...you and Jenny are too cute! Well...the way Alicia went into labor...it was a suggestion from my mother in law and a few other people....you have S-E-X...works everytime apparently :)