Dec 29, 2009

New Years

Resolution Time! I'd like to think of this time of year as a step in the right direction! All to often we set our selves up to fail! Setting endless goals that fulfill one purpose... to make us feel bad when we realize we SUCK at keeping goals! I will say this...three years ago I set a lofty goal for myself. NO MORE SODA!!! And here I sit three years later still Soda free and loving it! So I guess I'm not a total and utter failure every year!

Ok.. back to my rant... So this year I've been Inspired. I was sent an email from a reader sharing her New Years Tradition of focusing on a single word as her goal for the Year! A Beautiful tradition. She concentrated on "Simplify!" It meant wonderful things for so many aspects of her life! If she could just concentrate on the word "Simplify" it would change so much!

I loved this idea. I was taken by it simplicity and yet knew it had the potential to do so much. Immediately a word popped into my head and I knew it would be my focus for the year!


Selfishly I need to Serve others. It makes me feel good. It gives me something to do outside of my own personal responsibilities. I easily get lost in my own everyday hiccups I forget to look outside and see where I could better be utilized!

So I got so excited about the thought of focusing on a single word I had a hard time just picking one. Oops! Can you tell my other word is not going to be "Simplify!" I'm not there yet!

So this year I'd like to focus on three words or concepts if you will...

Following Through

Following Through will be a good one for me! I have endless good intentions but following through on them is the hard doing laundry! Yeah...that whole process from start to finish takes me like 5 days! From now on..."Follow Through" will haunt my subconscious! A single days task! Can you imagine!

Planing, projects, activities! So many things that clutter my mind and my space will finally get the attention they so deserve!

Home! I need to work harder to make my Home the warmest most welcoming refuge my family will ever know! I need to make more of an effort to focus on it's purpose. To comfort those who dwell in it's rooms and inspire love and safety! To me that means editing the STUFF that I once called necessities and filling it instead with loving reminders of the things that are really important. It also means focusing on meal time, traditions, order and family.

So there you have it! My "New Years Resolution!" This year I plan on devoting much of my energy on Serving others, Following through on the intentions I make and creating a Home that is a Haven!

If you were to pick one word for your New Years Focus what would it be?

Dec 10, 2009


So I'm brunette right now! Been for about a month and I have to say I'm in love with it!

No I don't feel smarter! And yes I'm still having fun! Look at Blue...Isn't she too much! I do feel like I look more like my girls though! I think they love it too.

"mom has our hair now Molly!" says Cricket! I can tell she likes it most. Blue and Charlie share my eyes and Crick has always been apart of the "Brown team!" I wonder if she felt left out of being any part of a team I was on! But now she does and I'm quite enjoying it!

I needed a change! I needed more so to give my hair a break! Too much breakage and drying it out! So for the next chapter of life I'll be a brunette!