May 18, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up!!!

First of all you all HAVE to jump over and see the funniest and cutest pictures of Blue HERE!!!!!
She is so dang beautiful and I can so say that because she's my daughter!!!

ok... So let's talk about the best weekend ever!!! It started off Friday at Chipotle for free burrito night to all the couples out there!!!We so grubbed on free food with friends and it was well worth the 15 minute wait!!!

the LAKERS won!!!Super great series to watch against the JAZZ. Teh JAZZ played great as well but sorry guys... my blood runs purple and gold!!! I've been a Laker fan as far back as Magic and teh old schoolers!!That's what happens when you grow up with Lakers lovers as parents!!! And after watching every play off game thus far I have decided Basket Ball is my game to watch!!!

Saturday my family and I did our CF GREAT STRIDES walk!!! It was such a great experiance! I literally got the chills when I saw all the different teams and everyone there! I loved partisipating and hope it becomes a family tradition!Thanks again for all your support! After the walk we headed home for some yard work and playing in the water with the girls. I then had to crash... I'm still dealing with my UTI! Ugg!!!

Then in the evening it was off for some fishing! Does it get any more Norman Rockwell then that ?!!? It just felt like the All American weekend! The only thing we didn't do was have a bbq in the back yard and throw horse shoes!

I was able to get a huge chunk of my project worked on but I'm missing a few critical supplies! so keep checking back for updates! Part of my project is a huge under taking but I'm feeling really excited about it as I see it unfold!
Do you ever have one of tose Sundays where you get ready for Church and you just look at yourself and say "DAng I look so cute today!!!" Well I had one of those days today if you don't mind me saying and it largely was due to this adorable new shirt I got from Down East!... Yellow is such a funny happy color to wear! I also bought this dress and can't wait to wear it this summer!!! It's the perfect cool summer breezy dress!
Tonight we took the girls out back to try to get some fun pictures. We are loving our new DSLR camera and the girls are making it all the more fun! here are some fun shots of them!!! When I see them looking so adorable it's easy to forget about all their naughty behavior!!! We'll be blowing up some shots of them for the house!!!


E Winzeler said...

What a fun, productive weekend with the fam! What an exciting life...I need one! Darling pictures of the girls!

Sarah said...

cute cute pictures! I love the ones of Blue too! cute faces!

Elise said...

Wow! What awesome pictures of the girls! I love that second one of Blue! Beautiful.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

too much to comment about! what a great weekend! i love productive weekends! yea for great strides, yea for those cute new clothing items, and yea for those cute pictures! i need to call you- its been a while!

donna said...

YOU always look "Dang" cute!!!
LOve the pictures ....

Hannah said...

I love your new clothes! I need to stop looking at blogs because I always end up spending too much money on all the cute things I see. I am very tempted to buy that yellow shirt myself..

michelle said...

It looks, and sounds like you had a great weekend! I am sorry the UTI is still bothering you. The shirt, and dress from D.E. are darling! The pictures of the girls are so fun! I too, would be blowing some up for your house! Those girls look darling! :)

Christina said...

i too had a "cute sunday" yesterday! so RARE that it happens!!

oh fun pics--how fun to playing with the new camera..i worship mine!!

ughhh still waiting for the reveal!!

Andrea said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Those pics are too cute. You have adorable girls!

AnieCooper said...

Oh no! Becca I planned on donating money to your walk...with everything going on I totally forgot to do it! Can I still do it? Let me know....I totally want to!

Glad you had a good weekend! Love u!

Jamie C. said...

That does sound like a great weekend! I love horse shoes, that is a good idea for a father's day gift, thanks for the idea. I'm glad your walk went well, way to go! And I don't doubt that you look adorable always, but that really is a cute shirt!

carey said...

I wish I could have been there, Rebecca. Thank you so SO much again for supporting such a great cause! I'm sure your friend was walking with you, too. :) XOXO