Oct 31, 2007

Halloween is upon us!!!!

Can't you just smell the sugar in the air. Already today The kids have been over loaded with candy and it started at 8:30 this morning when I picked up my car at the shop. Then the DMV and Walmart added to the sabotaging of my day!

I love Halloween! I have always loved this holiday! I can remember back to wearing my costumes to school and having parties in my classroom! As a child it was such a guilty pleasure holiday!CANDY!!!!! All the candy you can possible eat! I remember as kids we all used to separate the candy when we got home. Snickers, butterfingers, 3 musketeers, crap candy and candy corn and the candy to trade or barter with! There was always a disapointment when you went to a door and left with a Hershey's miniature or hard butterscotch grandma treat! Remember how exciting it use to be to get a regular sized candy bar!!!That was the best! The best house in my neighborhood I can remember was the guy who handed out cold cans of soda!!! Without fail there was always a few duds... an apple, raisins or a few pennies! Gee thanks!

As we got older I was amazed at the ground we could cover on Halloween. I can't remember at what age but we all did it! We graduated from plastic pumpkin candy buckets to pillow cases! We were on a mission to score as much junk at record breaking speeds and hoard it in our rooms for as long as we could! I for one, always tried to make my candy last for months! We had trading going on between me and my siblings and I was always impressed at how much candy my brother always seemed to get. That's what trick or treating on roller blades will do for ya!

Now that I'm a mom Halloween has become something totally different! I love seeing the kids all dressed up and having a great time! At the end of the night when you look at all the junk they've collected I feel almost irresponsible letting them have all that so as a "responsible" parent I take it upon myself to eat their candy! It's my job right!

I hope all of you have a great night tonight! I look forward to seeing all the great photos of all the kids. If any of you dress up promise to take pictures!


Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

Do you still hoard candy for months? If so, can you hoard some snicker bars for me to eat at Christmas time? :)

Jess Perry said...

Reading through your post brought back lots of memories. I love Halloween...and to tell you the truth I am excited for Bryn to go Trick-or-Treating so I can eat all her candy!!!

Andrea said...

I love Halloween too. It's so cute to see the kids all dressed up. I can't wait to see pics of your girls in their costumes!

Sarah said...

I feel the same way. I don't even want to go trick or treating TRUNK OR TREAT is for me. I don't know how we got so much candy as kids cause i'm just not willing to go door to door with my kids and I love eating my kids candy.

Amber H. said...

Can I just say Ditto to everything you wrote? Amazing how so many childhood experiences can be SO similar! I LOVED Halloween as a kid for all the reasons you just stated! After I got married it wasn't so fun anymore...until I had my kids! Now, it's back to the fun holiday it used to be...LOVE IT!

Christina said...

good times--i tend to toss our candy into food storage-i know SUCH a mormon mom thing to do huh!! hahah

i usually let the kids snarf on it for 2 days..then it suddenly dissappears and by then they are so grossed out on candy they dont ask where it is..

Blackner Family said...

I love Halloween! It is so much fun with kids too! Kids just make everything more fun!! (Except for being at the store!!)

Jamie C. said...

This was fun to read, it reminded me of all the fun we use to have on Halloween. I never was smart enough to do the roller blade thing though...was Jason the guy who would come up from behind you, swipe your Halloween candy and skate away? Better not! My favorite house was a home around the corner that had a cotten candy machine in their backyard! It was the best!

Mama Bear said...

Halloween with little ones is seriously so much fun! I don't know what it is about seeing little toddlers all dressed up in costumes, but it is the best! I want to see pics of your little one's costumes!!!!