Aug 8, 2007

Facing reality!

So I had to come to the conclusion that I am not living in my dream home! Everything I want to do seems to be ranking very low on Mikes list! Rather then come to blows ( not literal blows!!) on these thing I have just decided to give up and get over it!I really don't want to turn this whole experience into me getting disappointed and crying every day so even if it makes me the push over and the one that has to settle oh well. And again , it's not over huge things so I can understand but just things that would have made me feel like I had my stamp on something.

Please don't think I'm some poor subservient house wife that lets her husband walk all over her and not listen to her opinions. That's so not it! I've just realized that it's just not worth getting so emotionally invested in the stupid small stuff.

Honestly I'm eerked but give me a day and I'll have moved on! So what if my washer and dryer won't match and I won't be able to paint the rooms I want to. Macy won't start preschool this year and the whole craft room thing is up in the air! These things may sound important to me, but in the long run are they worth not talking to each other over! hmm... having said that maybe they are!! Ahhh! Anyway!!! Trouble in paradise I guess you can say. I'm just too exhausted to fight over this crap and I'm soooo over it(ok...not really!!!)!!!

And it's not all disagreements with my hubby! Who knew all this crap would cost so much! The cost of things is causing the stress!We can afford the finer things in life but it's the actual act of spending that we have a problem with. I feel like we've earned it and Mike (and a big part of me too) still holds tight to our saver instincts. Saving and going budget has gotten us where we are today. It's hard to break that mold. So trust me... a lot of this makes sense to me too but I just want to live a little... just a little!


donna said...

Oh girl! I am so sorry you are having a hard time. I agree with your a 100%. somethings are not worth fighting over. You will be in your new home for a very long time. Take things one day at a time.

Enjoy your new home G- friend.
Oh and get that guest-room ready, so Michelle, Step and myself can come up for girl's weekend :)

Andrea said...

Hey, so sorry you're feeling frustrated. It's so hard to not want to do everything all at once. I had that problem with our yard...Hope you get feeling better!

michelle said...

I am sorry that your having a hard time right now. I hope that things get better asap! My vote is for the craftroom! :) hee hee!

Christina said...

oh girl i FEEL your pain! call me 951-789-9490...i SO know what you mean..its taking me 5 years to FINALLY get the house the way i have always wanted it..

as far as preschool goes..i dont send my girls till they are 4 years old..its hard spending 130 bucks a month for 2 days on a 3 year not sure how old your little girl is..

well call me girl!

Jamie C. said...

Becca, my mother-in-law told us when we were house hunting that if your marriage can survive buying a house, then you can survive anything. I didn't get it until we bought our house and it came time to decorate, remodel, paint, buy furniture, etc. I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated. From the pictures it looks like you already have a BEAUTIFUL home, so keep enjoying it!

carey said...

Glad you made it, Rebecca.

I can totally relate!!! Moving is LIFE CHANGING. Hang in there - things will look up soon. I promise! It's always hard at first and things are never quite what you think they'll be...but sometimes that means things will be better in other ways!

Donna gave great advice - a day at a time! :) Vent any time, my friend.

Mama Bear said...

Why can't life be perfect, right? I ask myself that almost every day. Like...why can't Meredith just wake up at 8 all the time...and take 3 hour naps? ha ha! You have your gorgeous house
(lucky girl!!)...the rest will come!

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

Join the "i married a money savvy dulgarian" club!!! Your post describes me TOTALLY!!!! I had dreams, BIG dreams- but now 2 years later we havent done much to this house! It looks pretty much the same as it did the day we moved in! The things Rob wants to get done are all done pretty much- our garage floor got painted!(which came out of our house budget) :) Mean while I still save my money for every decorating venture I want because if Rob doesnt see it as a necessity, its not important! I do things little by little and when it is my money, Rob cant say anything.
I think you really need to start your own preschool- then Macy can be involved and you can have money to play with! And put your foot down about keeping your money too!

Morph This said...

Ey yi yi sister.. No craft room? That is worth fighting over.. what does he want to use it for? Put your foot down.