Apr 16, 2007


inside I am just so un organized and unfortunately it feels like it's effecting everything I do or need to do. My house is a reck, my to do list is forever long, my hub has the same to do list's and goals that were there 3 weeks ago... I just feel so behind.

Mike took the day off so we took the girls to Disneyland. It was a blast but all I could think about was all the things I needed to get done today/ this week! I have been wanting to call my friend Michelle for days but have had little time to take a break. Byt he time I crawl into bed each night it all hits me at once all the things I haven't gotten done or forgot to do. So frustrating.

Another thing that has been haunting me is that i REALLY want to do the fitness challenge but man do I have no energy and I just know how I am! I feel like i am setting myself up to fail... that is all the more reason to just go for a run and get started isn't it!!!! I have put off jumping over to the new site to see whats up...ok becca!!! just do it!!!!!!

ok... that's my last bit of complaining!!!!


Morph This said...

Don't worry sister.. you will get it all done. Maybe your hubby could help you out today since he skipped work..

Andrea said...

I know what you mean about not having fun because you're worried about what needs to be done...I think it's just a normal mom thing.

donna said...

I am also that way SOMETIMES :)
I have a few days of the week that are my fun and play days, then I have a few days which are my work days. So I don’t feel as BAD when I am playing.
Come on becca, join the fitness challenge with us girl.

Anonymous said...

Hey isn't amazing that when it rains it Storms...and everything happens at once. I remember once at college a teacher said that we get 80% of the stuff that we do in 20% of the time and the remainder 20% in 80% of the time. Crazy uh?

Sarah said...

i wish i could just take the day and go to Disneyland. you are so lucky to live so close to the happiest place on earth. I soooooo feel like i have a to do list that is a mile long!!! and the fitness thing ugh!