Sep 16, 2007

The Magic Cream 411...

Ok girls... was hoping I wouldn't have to share the details of the famous Magic Cream but here we go... Let me just give a little history. I got Brave one day and got a Brazilian Wax... I know!!! I must have been on drugs, well actually drugs may have helped but it was a once in a life time experience... meaning I'll only do it once in my life time!!!! It was horrible and I was left dying! I vowed never to do it again.

When i was warning other never to have it done it was suggested that I try this amazing product called Magic cream. It's basically a cream that works like Nair. Oh here are those details I so wanted to avoid....It's sold and marketed to Black men for beard removal. Some one , don't know who, bravely tried it " down there" and had great success!

Anyway... That's all I am able to share on my blog at this time! Let's just say it's changed some peoples lives. If you have more questions just email me!

Oh I can't wait to blog about something else soon so this isn't the first thing staring at me when I open my blog!!!!!!


Matt said...

oh that was too funny! Talk about crazy about cream!

Christina said...

what? i thought magic cream was to help "ya know" happen for the girl!??! what in the world!?! hair removal?!?! was the "ya know" happening just an added bonus?!?!

2 of my friends swear by the brazilian wax..i prefer not to look like a 12 year old!!! but hey thats just me!!! wax or rather cream on my friends!!

Jess Perry said...

Can I just say that I love that you posted this info to your blog. And you know we all made a deal (Me, Jess & Mikelle) to try this before next month's Bunco we will see!

Shannan said...

I am at a loss for words . . .

Becca said...

Exactly Shannon!!!!!!

Mama Bear said...
