Jun 30, 2008

Quick announcement!

Ok friends! I know this will come as a shock to some of you but I've decided to make a few needed changes in my life in hopes of simplifying. I'm realizing the importance of this new self awareness and am excited to make a few changes.

I've decided to stop crafting right now!!! It may sound strange of me to give up something that appears to be a positive outlet for me but in all honesty it's become stressful, a disappointment and financial burden on me that is wearing me out!So goodby Roberts craft, Hobby Lobby and Jo Anns!!!! No more craft supplies for me! I'll be finishing up the projects I already have supplies for and I have discounted all my inventory on my BLue Cricket blog for hopefully quick sales. I just need these things gone! The endless reminders of inventory just sitting in my storage room is enought to drive me mad!

So the good news is all my stuff is marked down and to be honest if you see something you like I'll probably take anything you offer just to get it out of here (that's the good friends only discount!!! don't share that news!!!)! So jump over to my blog and see if there is anythign you want or need. Tell your friends, link my blog, make a post about my sale!!!Anything would grately be appreciated!

I'm sure I'll still make a gift here and there but I'm done with mass production of certain things! The ribon boxes may be the only things I continue to do but I'm still un sure!

I appreciate your help in getting the word out!!!No need to worry about me having some sort of mental break!I'm just become self aware and I have to say it feels great!!!!!



Amy said...

I totally understand the need to simplify... you've got to do what's best for YOU!!

Seriously thinking of stocking up on those clipboards for future teacher gifts.... :)

donna said...

you have to do what is best for your family and for you......

carey said...

Doesn't it feel good to simplify? Good for you! :)

michelle said...

I totally understand! I think that it may be less of a burden when you don't have to worry about people wanting to place orders, from time to time. I know when I was selling my necklaces, it wasn't near as fun when I felt the pressure of having to make them. We are off to Chicago in the a.m. I will give you a call when we return! Love ya!

Christina said...

im the queen of simplify--at this point in my life i HAVE to be!!

kuddos for you in recognizing what will create more peace in your life!

Morph This said...

trip please.

jeremyandleslie said...

hey Becca - I'd love to buy a tutu from you for Em. Do you want to email me with details - what colors you have left and how you want me to pay for it, etc? my email is jeremyandleslie (at) netzero (dot) net

Hannah said...

good for you!! I think you need to do what is best for you!

Jess Perry said...

I can understand simplifying. You are so creative though, I don't think your trips to the stores will cease...now just focus on making stuff for your fun little family!

regibells said...

It's all about simplifying these days...all your stuff is so cute but I can imagine how much work it takes. Good for you. You are so talented and do well with whatever you spend your time doing! I want a tutu (if I am having a girl.... I find out Tuesday) and maybe a ribbon holder thing.