-It's way funny seeing your 3 year old eating Sushi with you and asking for more!
- Believe it or not they both gave me an awesome foot and hand massage with lotion yesterday! I think I have then sold on it's a fun activity so we'll be doing that more often for sure!
- I've given up on trying to dress Cricket. I can't do it anymore whit out wanting to post her for sale on ebay so I went through all her cloths and packed away the stuff that's not winter friendly. Yesterday she dressed herself in 3 minutes and we were still friends. She did look like she got dressed out of the "Lost and Found" but hey, we were both happy!
- An entire hour can fulfilled if I hand over paper, crayons and safety scissors! Ahhh yeah!
I'm loving this kid thing lately!
Side note...had a crazy dream I went shopping on Black Friday with Tina Fay! Cool huh!
i love tina fey!
i had a dream last week the second counselor in our ward was called to the quorum of the 12!
and dont get too comfy having 2 kids- your little one is on her way and ready to throw a wrench in that comfortable feeling youre having!
Tina is my favorite. I am jealous of your dream and your massage.
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