Nov 20, 2008


Have you ever really sat and thought about all the obligations that make up your life! You HAVE to do this, SEE this person, CALL this person! Do we deep down really want to? As nice of a person as some of you all think I am, I really am driven by obligation more then want! I don't really want to call, see or do anything for some people but I feel obligated to so I do it! Sad huh!!!!

It's been on my mind because I am getting ready for a trip home and a trip home means seeing a check list of family and friends that I don't always want to see! It's so difficult to enjoy a trip fully when you have to make sure you see so and so as to not hurt feelings. I just rather wing it and see where the wind takes me but NO! We have to see too many people in a weeks time! UGGGGG!!!! And it makes it hard for he people you do want to spend time with because it only opens up a small tiny window of time to see them!

Sadly this is more the case with family then friends. Some family is just plain boring and I'd rather them A. Be more fun or B. not have to spend as much time with them. AREN'T I A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!!!!!! No need to point it out further! I already know!


Momma Fish said...

I love it. Most people want to say it, but wont. You are a crack up.

Amber H. said...

LOL! That's why I rarely tell anyone I'm going on a trip until I talk about it after I'm home! It is really hard, especially when you have only so many days and don't want to have any time doing what you don't want to do! I don't know, but I sympathize! Good luck and have a great trip!

Christina said...

I don't think you're a horrible person at all. I'm at a point in my life where I really try to put the most effort into relationships that are really meaningful to me and let the rest slide. Hope you enjoy your time in the warmth!

Morph This said...

wow.. i know our family is boring but c'mon. at least I will be there.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

ok, i get it. dont bother hanging out with me...

Bruce said...

I am with you sister! It's hard being the one that has to travel all that way and then once you get there to have to travel around visiting everyone. A vacation ends up leaving you needing a "real" vacation.

I say people should come to you, if they don't want to put forth the effort after you've already come all that way, then sad day for them! :)

Have a fun trip!!!

AnieCooper said...

Well since we have plans to get together for a girls night hopefully you want to see us and aren't feeling obligated haha ;) Just kidding.

I definitely know what you mean. Living in Cali when it is time to go to MO to visit my fam and friends there just isn't enough time with the amount of people we have to see. It is very stressful and I'm always worried we are hurting someones feelings.

Hope you get to enjoy some of your vacation!!!

Melissa E Photography said...

I know what you mean! Just don't tell them you are coming!

michelle said...

Ohhh you just said what I have felt forever!!! I hope you do have a wonderfful time in California!!! I hope you get to spend quality time with the ones you love. Love you friend!

tara said...

truer words were never spoken.

when we lived away i would come home and not even TELL the other people. it made it so much nicer to just JUST BE with whoever we were there to see. probably doesn't work when you live as far away as you do, but still. i feel your pain my friend. big time.

E Winzeler said...

I know, I feel the same when having to visit Steph! :) HEhehehe! No complaints woman, you have the inlaws a girl can only dream of and a best friend of a sister in law! I hope you have a blast and put on a happy face :)!