Nov 5, 2008

Lost a battle but won the war.

(*** Please while reading this post remember that this is MY Blog!!!My form of journaling!I have a right to record my feeling of outcomes and events that are important to me!I am in no way looking for agreement or disagreement, arguments or insults directed at me!I have graciously respected all who make known their views on their blogs and would appreciate the same on mine!)

OBAMA? For real!!!??? I'm surprised his jargon wasn't in need of a translator for so many Americans!Did you not hear the accent of a Socialist leader at his debates or in him policy. Ugggg! He talks of wanting America to be Personally responsible but by all means let government step in and issue you health care fit for all. Let Government be the first to congratulate you when you oops have another child you can't afford. Let government come to the rescue and make self responsibility a thing of the past! Thanks!

I love how on this Historic morning Nations all over the world are sitting with smiles on their faces ready to watch the most powerful nation in the world become more like them! They need not wish us ill will or send Anti American Stink eyes our way! We'll slowly be stewing in the fruits of our labor thank you! Not mine mind you. I bought my right to complain when I voted! So here I'll voice my disappointment! I'll record for all my prosperity to read one day of how disappointed I felt on Nov. 5th 2008.

It's sad when an election is won by race. How many first time voters came out only because they had a Black person to vote for? Were the issues a main pull? No. Would I be feeling the same way had Obama been an Asian, a Mexican or a Martian? YES!!! If his race or religion were the driving force for any reaction I would have a problem, as would all of you who were anti Romney because he was Mormon! I totally agree that candidates should be looked at and judged by their platforms, policies, values and potential impact on my Country.

Oh well right! Roll with it. My middle class status may even be a beneficiary under his administration. La de frikin da! I'll be curious to see the effects of our Obama-nation over the next 4 years. So thanks Democrats, first time Republicans for Democrats, Obama supporters and McCain haters! Can't wait to see what you all did!!!!!! Hopefully I'll be proven wrong! Put in my place and shown the light. I'll be praying for the leader of my Country. I would never wish a leader of the greatest "free" nation to ever fail! If anything He needs all the help and support he can get! So today I complain and vent and feel better for it. Tomorrow will be a new day.

It's another slew of emotions that I feel when it comes to the outcome of California's results on Prop 8. With the Prop 8 win I feel a sigh of relief and a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was an issue of family values to me. An issue of parental control. I firmly believe it is the right of parents to teach the concept of family to their own children, with their own definition based on their values, their religious views and in their arena when they feel it's time. The issue was too important to leave it up to Schools, Government and teachers. Opting out of curriculum taught in public schools would not have been an option. Teaching of differences and diversity is important but leave it up to families to have that conversation.

Those who think it's discrimination need to be reminded that in Public schools Church and State have already been in effect. No talk of Christmas, and other religious Holidays, no praying in school. Nothing is sent home to describe the birth of Christ or Passover. Do I feel slided as a Christian. NO!!! I take the responsibility to teach my children my values at home. Is this issue not one more value we as families are entitled to talk about ourselves? I happily honor my friends who have no religious belief, my friends who feel Christ is yet to come, my friends who believe differently from me! This Prop passing allows us all to still be engaged in whatever we believe and not impart our views on the other.

So yes. Today I feel a battle for a leader was lost but a war against the family was won. If I had to pick witch was more important I think my family will always win! So for all the CA voters who helped allow us all to be the teachers of our own children I send you a huge Thank you! This results resonates across the Country!

Sorry if this offends anyone. I love the emotion that burn inside of myself and all of us! America still stands for freedom of speech and I'll exercise that gift till the day it's stripped away from me. I encourage all to do the same!

I'll stop now. Tomorrow bring new joy!!!! We find out what we are having and it will be a good day!


donna said...
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donna said...
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Steph @ somewhatsimple said...


Can I copy this post to my blog? And Prop 102 passed in AZ! Yea for marriage!!!

donna said...

AMEN!:) great post.! You said everything i was thinking. I wish i could put my thoughts down on paper the way you do.

AnieCooper said...

Can't wait to find out what you are having :)

Megan said...

Great post! Man, I am DIEING to know what you guys are having! I still have to wait another week, so the excitement of finding out what you're having should tide me over!

Bruce said...

You said it all beautifully! :)

Can't wait to see what you are having! :)

Melissa E Photography said...

Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen!

You wanna know what give me a little hope? %45 of Americans voted for McCain, and most of them didn't even like him. Almost half of America voted for a man they didn't even like, because they didn't want Obama! Just think how different it could have been if a true conservative would have been running. Darn, Huckabee for splitting the vote!

Anyway, I totally agree with everything you said! And I love your patriotism, sister!

Angie said...

I totally agree! I'm DYING to know what whacko comments you deleted! :) Ha! Can't wait to hear what you're having today.

Momma Fish said...

This is what I call reverse racism. Did you see Oprah yesterday?? I was so disgusted. Black pride. I have nothing against balck people, but I think he won BECAUSE he is black and that really buggs me. Do you think if he was the exact same person with white skin he would have won?? I doubt it. I am all the way with you on this Becca. We are in for it.

Mahana said...

Ditto and Ditto! 'nough said!

Ranay said...

You're brave! I completely agree with you and have been wanting to post similar thoughts, but I have family members on both sides who are Obama lovers and I fear it would open a can of worms!! Congratulations on another girl! I was hoping a boy for you, but I hear girls are sooo fun!!!

Sarah said...

I could not agree more! I wish i could just copy and past it to my blog because I could not have said it better! That is an amazing post Becca!!

Amber H. said...

I am SO with everyone else on this and thanks to you for writing down EXACTLY how I feel about this! I couldn't have said it any better!