Nov 12, 2008

Ode to Mr. Rubber Band

The sun rises once again and there I lie in bed snug and warm ready to greet a new day!!! I awake with much optimism ! I tell myself that "Yes!" today my pants will fit yet again one last time and to my surprise they do. A snug fit I will admit but looking close you all would notice that success was had in the form of a button wedged in tight to it's sister button hole! Hallelujah! Praises Be!

I proceed with my morning routine of kids, emails and a glance in the kitchen for something to eat. Nothing sounds good once again! But little sister inside is in need of that little thing we call nutrients to grow and thrive and I give in to the nagging mothering instinct that forces one to eat when that's the last thing they really want to do.

By 10 am I'm feeling the strain. Not on my legs or on my back but on my waist line! That little breakfast has quickly moved in on baby territory and it's roommate status is causing the land lord to walk funny! My morning success is soon down the drain and the reserve rubber band I place on my wrist is put to work! From then on I'm forced to pull and adjust my britches all day. My zipper never stays up and I just plane hate pants in general! Come on Mr. Rubber Band! DO your job! Keep me out of maternity pants for as long as you can! I beg of you PLEASE!!!!

Mr. Rubber Band and some pants get along better then most but today I picked an arch enemy! Would it be ok to add yet another rubber band making a chain of sorts! Maybe two is better then one!

Oh rats! I just need to give in. Horribly ugly! Never fit right! Nasty kangaroo pouch pants are just around the corner! Maternity pants have to be the worst thing on earth right now in my little world. I have yet to find a pair that doesn't look like the are about to fall off and expose my ever widening rear end! I tug and pull for the last 4 months and maybe at about a week before the arrival I can "fit" a pair properly.

So thanks Mr. Rubber Band for the limit service rendered. I wish you could have stayed longer!

Here is the much awaited preggo shot. I just look fat in the barral and if you were to rub my "baby bump" you'd probably just be carressing the blue berry bagle and cream cheese I ate this morning! I'll be pop popping soon don't worry!
and oh... can I just be annoyed right now!!!! Have you ever sat by someone telling a story to someone else that was soooooo wrong! ( Don't forget I'm overly annoyed while pregnant so it took all I had to not turn around, correct this lady and finish chewing!)

She was telling her friend that she had to read the book "Tuesdays with Morrie." She goes on to tell her that it's about this guy who has cancer who is a professor and had this famous "Last Lecture!" She then goes on to tell details of the lecture and says he really wrote it for his kids becasue they were to young to understand!

Come on moron!!! Stop mixing up two different things! She apparently Tivoed two seperate Oprahs years apart from each other and watched them back in her sleep and morphed the book and this gentalmans experiance together!

I wanted to correct her so badly but who wants a cross pregnat woman with cream cheese "smear" on the corner of her mouth telling you your an idiot! ( for real Enstine Bagel !Do we really need to call it a "SMEAR!")

Anyway! I'm aweful! I know!


Amy said...

You look amazing! I've got about 9 weeks left and have just gotten to a point where my maternity pants keep sliding under the buldge and the shirt wants to slide up. I keep things under wraps, but am constantly pulling at my clothes. It is awesome. I just read that you are getting a girl. Congrats!

AnieCooper said...

You look amazing! I'm still able to wear my pants I wore before I got preggers..but they are uncomfortable. So far so weight gain is in the belly!!! :) I do however wear maternity pants since they are so comfy, but Target and Old Navy have some awesome clothes! Thank God! I remember the crap my mom had to wear when she was preggers so I'm thankful our choices are sooo much better!


Laura said...

OMG your so called "baby bump" is me after any meal. I'm sure you will fit in your size 0 pants for a lot longer you tiny thing!

Megan said...

I was reading your post and feeling your pain, I had one last pair that fit, but then I washed them, they fit no longer! Anyway, I WAS feeling your pain until I saw your picture, then I just laughed and laughed! You have NO belly compared to me, I can't wait for you to see it in a little over a week, you'll feel much better about yourself!

M+J=K3+E said...

I wish I were as lucky as you. I was in maternity pants at supposedly 12 weeks and come to find out I was only 8 weeks measuring 12 weels. I would take your pregnant body any day :)

donna said...

Hello what baby BUMP. You are so cute girl.:)

Elise said...

I know, I'm a total beast when I am pregnant too (as far as attitude). It's like I just want to tell off the whole world sometimes. Like with the prop 8 stuff--uuuuugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I pretty much look exactly like you right now (pregnancy) except that your waistline represents one of my THIGHS!! HELLO! You look great :)

Mahana said...

Wait that's you fat? Oh dear, what the heck am I? I don't have the excuse of being preggers either! I totally remember when you were pregnant with Macy and you had a huge safety pin I believe, so you could still wear your normal jeans. Hilarious! But brilliant at the same time. Those maternity pants do not look all the comfortable and they definitely aren't stylish!

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

k, this post had me laughing! i love the randomness and sarcasm of you! you are the best!

i cant wait to see you guys- how many more sleeps??? i will ask ethan...

and when i do see you, i will not believe you are pregnant unless you weigh more than 100 lbs. you look so good!

Sarah said...

You are hilarious! That's all I can say.

Tricia said...

Thanks for the blog invite! Don't waste your time with a rubber band. Go to Expected or Mimi Maternity and get yourself a Bella Band. It is a lifesaver. Google them online if you have no idea what I'm talking about. You will really love it! It is worth the investment. You look so adorable!

Melissa E Photography said...

Your restrain is amazing. I would have said, "hmm.. I must have read a different version..." You crack me up Becca!

Bruce said...

You are hilarious and I love how you write!

Funny that you said you shop in the juniors section, I did that once (by accident, I didn't get the whole Abercrombie & Fitch and just plain Abercrombie thing). Yeah, let's just say I should have wondered why the young girls at the counter looked at me weird when I asked if I could get a dressing room! :)

Bruce said...

P.S. Of course they didn't fit, I myself still don't know what I was thinking. I obviously don't shop enough, I guess I thought 13 years later I should still be in the same size! HA!

Amber H. said...

You are too funny, and way too tiny for being SO far along! Here I was expecting this cute little belly and all I got was a picture of a tummy flatter than mine! LOL! I agree with the poster above though, those bella bands sound to be exactly what you need! Good luck with the shopping :o)