Jul 31, 2008


Look what I just found in my inbox!!!!Thanks to a very talented friend named AMBER, I now have this awesome desk top calender! Isn't it adorable!!!Thanks Amber! I love love love it!!!!

So I survived my first tent sale today! Just barely! I have never seen so many woman going crazy over stockings and ripped up linens! Down East had a tent sale and that means all the crazies in the Valley came with their games faces on!!!I too was prepared to throw an elbow or hold on a little tighter then socially accepted just to snag an item I had my eye on! I wasn't afraid to hold my own and to be honest it took all I had not to leap inside a huge box trying to reach a baby onsie! At one point I took my keys out, and started breaking down the box so I could get to the good stuff!!! Madness I tell ya!!!

The funny part is I have no idea what I actually bought!!! It was fill a bag so you just started throwing things in and hopefully when you get home your "WOW that was so worth it" pile is bigger then your "What the crap was I grabbing" pile!

Have you ever seen those news clips of crazy woman waiting at the door of a bridal shop in a mob and then being let lose to ravage the contents of a sale? That's basically the idea!

Don't worry... No child was harmed in the making of this journey to the TENT sale!!! My neighbor was kind enough to protect the children from the evils of women and baby sat for me!!!Thank goodness! Car seats were covered and I wasn't worried about kids wondering the parking lot or being covered in tossed and discarded bedding!

So I have a lot of sorting ahead of me! Now don't any of you go and report me to OPRAH as a hoarder! I buy all this stuff to resale on eBay! It's my part time job I needed to support my Sonic habit and addiction to expensive fabric!


Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

holy crap lady! put the fabric down and no one gets hurt!

i wish i couldve been there- not to buy anything, but to witness it all!

E Winzeler said...

I absolutely love fabric...I think moda's line is my favorite season after season. I'll have to check yours out though...super cute dress! Hope you're having a wonderful summer!!!

Jamie C. said...

I don't even know what Down East is, but I'm really jealous at the thought of tons of fabric for a good deal! I would really love a sewing buddy...too bad we live states and states apart. Just share ideas then I'll steal them, then it will be like we did it together! :)
p.s. love the aprons!

Momma Fish said...

you are such a crack up. you have funny posts.

Amber H. said...

So that description was the best! I could totally picture everything you were writing about. I can't wait to see all of your great finds! I LOVE down east! I miss having one near by! I'm so glad you like your calendar too BTW. Thanks for giving me credit!

tara said...

I wanna see the loot!! lay it out for us lady:)

donna said...

I so love your apron.. I wear it every day......
Have a wonderful night sista:)

Unknown said...

Oh, how fun! I get a little crazy for sales like that too! And I'm totally going to copy your friends idea and put a fun calendar on my desktop. I think that will be my creative outlet for today, yeah!