Jul 7, 2008

Playing catch up!!!

I feel like I have never been so busy!!! In all of my efforts to simplify my life and ease up on my crafting here I am still up late thinking of random craft ideas and selling my crap!

Thankfully business has picked up and I am selling a few things! Crazy me though I have to keep it on some sort of crazy level. I sold a set of felt food only to find out as I went to package it up to mail that I no longer had a PB & J to send!So there I was whipping up a felt sandwich last night so I could get it in the mail today!

Thanks again for helping me get the word out! My sale will continue on all of this month.

Do you ever just have times in your life when you feel more in love then ever!! So for what ever reason I am so into my husband! Ok... that sounded so weird!!!Not as if I'm not usually but I am just so in love with him! I think I take him for granted too much and I'm just seeing how wonderful he is with new eyes!We are the kind of family that does everything together!We rarely separate on the weekends to get errands done. We are just always together! That might annoy some couples but I love it! He even sat with me in my craft room last night while I frosted some glass just to talk!!! He's a pretty awesome guy! I'm going to miss all our time together when he starts school in a few weeks!

ok... Off to get something done!!!Still projects flood my mind and pile up down stairs. Luckily I have my house work done so no guilt here !!!


Hannah said...

Fun to see you today! Love the stuff you gave me!!

Andrea said...

You're too funny! You'll have to keep crafting while Mike is in school, what else will you do?

carey said...

So glad you are selling stuff! I've sent your link to friends & my sister! (they are both into little girl hair clips...)

Christina said...

It was fun to get together! I definitely know what you mean- sometimes I am extra in love for whatever reason, and it's so fun!

michelle said...

That extra in love feeling is wonderful! It sounds like you have been one busy Mama! I am glad that you are selling sopme of your crafts! You are SO taloented Rebecca! I looked at the pictures of your Arizona trip. WE MISS YOU! :) K, what is the dealio? I can't edit my typos, so am going to send this to you typos, and all! ")

donna said...

Oh what a sweet hubby you have... Have a great day my friend..

Amber H. said...

LOL! The life of a crafty person. You can try to get rid of things, but more ideas will ALWAYS be there, trust me! I think I'm finished with something and then I move on to something else. You will never be satisfied unless there is something to create! :o) It's a good hobby though, and it might help keep you occupied while Mike is back in school. I don't envy you on that one! We are the same type of family...we ALWAYS do everything together, even grocery shop! Isn't it the best?? :o) I love together time!!

E Winzeler said...

I love that you feel so in love...that's not something you read on a day to day blog...that was cute! I felt PB&J you are too cute! I need to take a jaunt on over to your other blog and order something crafty!