Apr 20, 2009

Remember when...

Remember when I said I'd be the first to admit it if my baby wasn't cute! Well I'm soooo admitting it! The baby acne fairy came and sprinkled her love all over baby Charlie and man... I seriously want to put a bag over her face! I was hiding her at church yesterday it was so bad! She defiantly looks like a train wreck. Sad little girl! My other girls never had it this bad!

I so can't remember anything from my last babies. How long does this last! Is there any new wonder cream I can slather on this poor little girls face (and neck, shoulders and ears no less!) And how funny is it when people see her in all her pimpled glory!Still so kind and complimentary!!! NO NEED TO SUGAR COAT IT PEOPLE!!! She's a freak! I'm her mom and I admit it!!!!

So... don't expect any new shots of Charlie! Until Procative comes out with a baby line she'll just be hiding in a corner!


Laura said...

You are too funny! I'm sure she is still adorable.

Megan said...

blake's getting it too, I don't remember how long it lasts, I just want to pop all the little pimples!!! I'm sure Charlie is still a babe!

tara said...

i think time is the only remedy. unfortunately. oh, and NO PICKING, which is my weakness.

she is STILL GORGEOUS you crazy person. GORGEOUS.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

Ethan and Leah were the worst acne babies I have ever seen, and then Ryan never got a single pimple. (Actually, maybe he did and I have already forgotten because it wasnt near as bad as ethan and Leah.) Anyway, I never did anything about it per Ethan's pediatrician, but there has got to be something out there by now!!! It totally sucks. Ethans lasted for weeks too, and I hated it! The only thing Ethan's dr told me was to keep him as naked as possible because the clothes will irritate it- but FYI you may get talked about as to why your newborn isnt wearing a onesie at their shower- but that wont all come out til a few years later.
Anyway, enough of a rant. Acne sucks. I just hope it isnt a sign of what it to come durig teenage years- otherwise Ethan and Leah are going to have a rough life!

Sarah said...

My aunt swears by using Selson Blue. I never tried it cause mine never had it that bad.

donna said...

OH i am sure Miss Charlie is still Beautiful.

Emily had it for a about a month. IT will go away. Don't stress.

Unknown said...

They say you can't do anything about it. She is still so cute, I'm sure! And everyone understands!!

Andrea said...

Awww, poor sweet baby Charlie. I'm sure she's still adorable, pizza face and all:)

michelle said...

I remember Nate having this real bad. I think it just went a way in a few weeks. I also remember that heat would aggravate it more. He was born in August in Arizona! :) I hope sweet Charlie's passes quickly! Have a great weekend my friend.