Apr 11, 2009

A case of the blahs!

For sure I came down with the blahs yesterday! My girls are doing what any girls would do when their mom is indisposed with a baby tethered to her boob nearly the entire day...getting away with murder!!!! I'm not joking when I say I nurse nearly all day! Charlie just loves to be held and have me in her mouth. It doesn't make for much productivity or policing.

Every room in my house is evidence of this and the eight minute window I have every time I put the baby down doesn't give me much time to revive much.

So yesterday the girls got away with quite a long laundry list of naughtiness...

  • they managed to empty out a box of packing peanuts upstairs and down stairs and oh the stairs for that matter.
  • they pillaged a candy stash and Blue probably ate 12 pieces of gum.
  • found said gum in a cloth napkin, on the table and in a news paper.
  • they disappeared to the neighbors twice.
  • found their hidden Easter basket fillings and cried when I took it away. Now what do I do!
  • and took a marker to bed and managed to litter their on the underside, thank goodness, of their bed with scribbles. And Molly tagged her dresser with her name!
Seriously folks! I'm tired, gross and frustrated with my kids! If I could just get Charlie to enjoy her own personal space I could get on top of all this. I'm hoping in a few weeks she'll be better! Thankfully she doesn't cry much...just wants to snuggle!

Oh well...this is my life right now! And yes I typed this post one handed!


donna said...

It will get better, Trust me.!!!
(((((Big hugs)))))))) :)

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

it doesnt get better. trust me.

Brittany said...

Have you tried a baby carrier? Like a wrap? That's the only thing that got me through with my babies. You can strap them on you, pop the boob, and go about your day. Let me know if you want to know more! It's a hard time!

Shannan said...

i was just thinking today . . . "my life is a joke!" i am glad you are feeling the same way it makes me feel more normal. life is all about highs and lows huh? I am ready for my high now Lord. . . . please!

Ranay said...

Way to go multi-tasker. I hear you loud and clear. I would like to know who has taken my nice, sweet boys and replaced them with holy terrors! And my baby did the same thing for a couple of days - attached to the boob - and then came out of it. I believe it's called cluster feeding, building up your milk. Good luck and hang in there!

Jamie C. said...

Becca you make me laugh. Typing one handed is my specialty these days too. I love that you want your 3 week old to enjoy her own personal space...that's funny! At least you've still got your sense of humor under all that grossness, though I highly doubt you're gross, that's impossible!

Elise said...

Oh man I feel your pain! Jordan is acting all crazy-like too. Heaven bless you.