Feb 18, 2009

Tricks of the trade!!!

So I openly admit to a few things when it comes to my most recent Doctor visits!

For one I'm searching my wardrobe for my most light weight cloths at this point! Stepping on the scale in ballet flats, leggings and a long shirt help out with bottom line if you know what I mean!

I also usually have the 1:30 appointment so I try not to eat a huge lunch right before my appointment on those days but I guarantee if you see me driving post appointment your likely to catch me in between bites of what ever lunch I brought along for the after party!

Aahh weight! It's defiantly on my mind. NO pregnant woman can escape the grips of it! As I stare into the freezer at 10:30 at night wishing for an ice cream sandwich, knowing I shouldn't, but willing to anyway, I could care less about the impact on my butt. That is until Wednesday appointment time rolls arounds and I'm forced to resort to dressing light and making sure I go to the bath room before my feet touch the scale!

So I admit it! I have a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to trying to keep numbers down. Some visits it works and other visits I vow to show up next time in a bikini and having had successfully compleated a freezer fast!!!!


Megan said...

totally do the same things! I find the lightest things to wear, make sure I go potty and try to have a very light breakfast (11:30 appointments). I am DONE gaining weight! The only weight I am going to allow from now on is the few more pounds the baby should gain before he is born! I can't wait to loose weight, what a great feeling that is!

tara said...

I was taking off my earings and spitting out my gum by the time I was done with Libby.

seriously. i was.

Julie said...

Ha, ha, I take my shoes off! And I never wore jeans on weigh in days ;) You'll be back in your pre-pregnancy clothes in no time.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

I never did that, pregnancy is the ony time in my life I let my weight do whatever, and then I suffer the consequences afterword.

So what, are you like 105lbs now? GASP!

Christina said...

You crack me up! Both of my babies are winter babies, so I'm always donning heavy layers at the end. Maybe that means I wasn't really as heavy as I thought. ;)

donna said...

I take off as much as i can before i stand on that scale.

michelle said...

You are toooo cute! I can totally see you doing this!

AnieCooper said...

Boy do i hear ya ;) I went to the dr again today and I hate the scale. especially since I've never weighed this much in my entire life and wasn't proud of my weight before pregnancy. I can't wait to get into the gym again. i want my body back..like my body pre wedding haha ;)

You'll for sure beat me in getting back to your regular look ;) You look amazing :)

Sarah said...

I didnt even care when i was prego but i'm still paying for it 10 months later!