Jun 29, 2009

See it! Want it! Make it! Love it!

The Evolution of a want...

Fell in love with a necklace from Anthropology but my built in "Cheap" gene wouldn't allow me to fork over the $38. SIGH!
Then I get tipped off from a friend that this mama is for sale at Forever 21 for under $7!! My interest is growing and off I go...

The day before the tip off I had already picked up fabric and supplies to make this little gem!!! My version of my Anthro want!!! I loved how it turned out and let's just say it was worth the time it took me to make it when I saved nearly 90%... now that's my kind of result!


Jill said...

get out.

not so sure we can be friends.

i probably would have forked out the ceezash!

i can hardly get my pillow shams done.

you rock.

Bruce said...

That is incredible to me. Seriously! I don't know what else to say about it, speechless.

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

way cute- i want one.

did macy take that picture of you? no way can you look that relaxed and put together on a timed camera!

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

ps. i just noticed your boobs- holy cow.

tara said...

i believe i already made my feeling on the necklace perfectly clear on sunday as i was feeling you up:)

Laura said...

Awesome job! You are so talented. Your body looks slammin, by the way! I can't believe you had a baby a few months ago. And your boobs! Lucky you.

Momma Fish said...

I hope you are planning on making me one. I love your boobs too.

Mahana said...

First off I love all the comments about your boobs and i add my jealousy of them. Secondy, fantastic job in duplicating the necklace....where do I sign up for one of my very own????? Love ya!