Dec 13, 2007


I woke up this morning and felt and looked like I got punched in the face! Embarrassingly enough, I have two huge zits on my face. One on the Oh so favorite place, my chin, and the other on my lip line!Talk about painful!Seriously guys I look like I was in a fight! My lip is so swollen and ugly! I know everyone who had to lay eyes on me today was like " dude! I can't look at her! She'll think I'm staring at her zits!!!!" It has it's own heart beat!!!!

Sorry to gross you out but honestly that's all that's on my mind right now... that and the fact that we are quickly running out of time to furnish our basement before house guests arrive for Christmas! Ugg!!! let's see if we can fit 12 people on a twin size mattress acting like a couch! See what I mean!


Megan said...

Oh, I'm sure they're not that bad! You have such perfect skin! Seriously you always look flawless! I'm sure it just looks way worse to you than it does to anyone else!

carey said...

Awesome! I'm all broken out too. Let's me for lunch and take a picture. I bet I'm worse. :)

Matt said...

Don't you just hate adult acne?! My complexion was so much better when I was a teenager.....go figure.

donna said...

OK i hate zits.
I am sure you look great. You always. look great!!!!!!!

Good luck with your basement :)

Rusti said...

It must be the changing weather. I've been getting them between my eyes! ugh.

Laura said...

Oh the lip line is the worst! Im sooo sorry, I feel your pain! Been there;(

Jess Perry said...

I am sure they were not that bad and I am sure you still look gorgeous. Go can pull off anything Becca!