May 24, 2009

Spring cleaning, change and a few face lifts

I HEART change!Love it! Thrive on it and can hear it calling my name! I've got the itch and it's bad! I'm desperately in need of change around here. Every aspect of my life needs a makeover!

The first plan of attack was to freshen up my blogs. Easy enough right! Change a little here, add a little there! My personal blog and Blue Cricket blog were due so they got a little life support first. Check out my Blue Cricket blog. Totally new look and longer a place to sell my wares but a place to share fun and creative projects and ideas. I'll be adding new posts a few times a week so check back often!

Next item of business is my house! I'm sick of it's decor and want to start all over. Green, Gold and Red have to go! I want more Modern, clean lines and minimal accents. I want pops of color, large photography and graphic shapes. I'm trying to convince Mike to let me sell off nearly's a hard sell soooo this may take a few " trades" if you know what I mean to get him to hop on board. Oh the things I do!!!!

We are in the throws of a big household project thank goodness! Something to tide me over I guess. We are putting in a patio in the front yard! We had to rip out hedges and dig up roots and depending on the weather tomorrow may actually get it done. I'm on the hunt for some adorable wicker furniture for the space. I can't wait till it's done. I'm ready to retire my ghetto 1985 folding chairs I sit on in the drive way! Pictures to come.

I'm also always talking myself out of chopping my hair! I would love to sport a sassy short look but don't have the balls to actually do it. And Mike likes me blond and with long hair so what can I do...remember I'm trying to get him to sign on to my redecorating concept so I aim to please at this point! I am getting my hair done on Thursday so maybe I'll spice it up with some sexy low lights and a trim...CRAZY I know!

Big yard sale next weekend so I'm on a purging rampage! For real!!! I just want to get as much crap out of here as I can and make a little moola to spend on new crap! Oh the circle of life!

May 14, 2009


It's nice to know I can be obsessed with good things and not just things like Mint OREOS and "LOOKING" at my stair stepper rather then using it lately!

I'm hooked! I'm addicted! I can't live without it!!!

I gotta get me a bowl of Steel Cut Oats with a chopped banana and a sprinkle of coconut! For almost a month now this has been my breakfast! So yummers and so good for me! I'm trying hard to lose those last 5 lbs...ok. I guess if I were tryinh HARD I'd use my stair stepper more so let me re phrase that..I'm trying things to help me lose those last 5 lbs. like eating a good breakfast and lunch. I'm also addicted to brown rice, steamed veggies and two slices of lean turkey meat for lunch! Is it working... not sure! But I feel better knowing I'm getting better nutrition then not!

Why can't I be obsessed with working out! There are totally those kinds of people out there! Why can't I just wake up and want to run or do sit ups! I'm just not like that! Instead I'm obsessed with thinking about all the things I should be doing to help become more heathy. In this case I don't think just thinking about will get the job done! The big butt and cloths not fitting thing still exists! SIGH!!!


So maybe if I write it down I'll get more motivated! But really folks... how do you do it with three kids and one being dependant on the boob! I'm afraid to get a gym membership because of how pricy the childcare is and lets face it... in the past my gym membership was just a monthly withdraw for my absentse and ability to always leave one more treadmill available for someone else!

I need to trade in a bad obsession for a good one....

Mint Oreos for Oats...CHECK
Fast food lunch for rice and veggies....CHECK

going to bed late for in bed by 10:15
computer time for work out time
shopping for walking

That should be a good start!

May 13, 2009

Ha ha ha!!!!


Is this not the funniest face or what!!! Duuuurrrrrr!!!!!

Check out my FAMILY BLOG by pressing HERE to see pics of Charlies Nursery!!! I finally finished it last night at midnight!!!

May 11, 2009

Girl talk

Charlie and I. Nuff said!


May 7, 2009

6 week check up!

So today I got my baby slide checked out! Fun visit huh! It's funny how in 6 weeks you revert back to your old ways, all shy and cross legged in the office! It was only a few months ago I was happily spreading those same legs practically begging the doctor to get in there and make something happen already!

I sat there on the table naked from the waist down waiting and waiting! Lucky me! The doctor had to run down stairs to do an emergency C section. Can't fault the guy! If that were me down stairs I would have want him there ASAP! It made me wish for those cool things they have at airports now for people picking up passengers. You know...the waiting area with the huge light up monitors telling you when flights land and if there were delays! Couldn't we come up with something similar for doc's. They can have some sort of tracking device and in the waiting rooms a giant board wouldl tell us...
" in operating room!"
"down stairs massaging some poor girls perineum so it wont tear, this could take a while it's her first!"
"Washing his hands and then on his way up so get naked now!"

Unfortunately they haven't installed that feature so there I sat naked wrapped in my toga. I had to jump on and off the table a dozen times to deal with Charlie! Fix her passy, wipe her drool all the while just waiting for him to open the door any moment and catch me by surprise causing me to startle and drop my sheet and bear it all. MORTIFICATION!!!!

Thankfully I had those 15 or so minutes alone. Charlie bug was passing gas like she was in a farting contest! By the way she would have won! DUDE!!!

So all is well in the regin we call Cha Chee! I know I should use it's tecnical term but who want's to read the word VAGINA on someones blog! Ha!!!! I made you read it!!!!

I can offically have relations and work out! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Not in the moooood for either! I was hoping he was going to tell me I was cleared for some sort of eating contest instead. Way more exciting !

May 6, 2009


here she is!! 6 weeks old .