Jul 29, 2014

Tis time...

Oh boy! You'd think that a girl who can't turn her mind off at night and has a million thing to say would be a better blogger! I beg your pardon, self! I know I should and can do better. Shame on me! This site in particular is for my benefit. A place to spew my inner thoughts and life as I know it. So much has happened in the past few years. Note worthy things that I want to remember and yet as I lived them I've had a new perspective...living them is sometimes enough. I got caught up in the world where I thought every little thing needed to be shared. Every project, every recipe, every antidote. I was sharing things that meant little to me as a mom, sister, neighbor and friend. What I should have been recording were my feelings, my actions, my teaching moments and the times I grew. So here's to getting back on track. Recording the things that mean something to me. That capture a glimpse of my personality and who I am right here and now! Because really...how else am I going to remember how cool I was at 35! Wink, wink!
Dear 55 year old self,
Remember that time when you were 35 and you thought your wrinkles around your eyes and your perma scowl were such a drag!? I bet you were wishing for that face now!!!

( self deprecation can also be used to gain perspective! When I see something about myself that I don't love I try to remember to be grateful cause really.... It's only going to get worse and what I really should be doing is loving and enjoying myself now!

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